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Publications:Reports, Books, Academic Publications, Submissions, Resource Pages
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NGOs:Yesh Din- Volunteers for Human Rights
Start date:1 Jan 1988
End date:16 Apr 2024

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Showing 101-104 of 104

Betrayed by Silence: NGOs ignore Gilad Shalit's rights

Gilad Shalit is not a high priority for human rights NGOs. There is no evidence that NGOs have undertaken sustained campaigns in support of Shalits rights. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have made only infrequent references to Shalit, always in the context of condemning Israel for "war crimes," "wanton destruction," and "collective punishment." Most Israeli groups have published only one or two statements in support of Shalit.


NGOs and Durban Demonization at UN Human Rights Review of Israel

As predicted by NGO Monitor, the majority of NGO submissions to the UN's UPR of Israel ignore human rights issues facing Israelis and areas where Israel is a leader in this field, while grossly distorting the humanitarian, human rights and international legal dimensions of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Nord-Sud XXI, Ittijah, Badil, and PGAAWC exploit human rights terminology and employ inflammatory rhetoric against Israel. Adalah, Amnesty, and others attribute "racist" motives to Israeli policies, instead of acknowledging that these are legitimate responses to Palestinian violence against Israeli civilians.


NGO Monitors Submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review Israel December 2008

In anticipation of the United Nations Human Rights Councils Universal Periodic Review of Israel, scheduled for December 2008, NGO Monitor prepared a submission highlighting problematic NGO activity vis--vis human rights in Israel.


Showing 101-104 of 104