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Start date:1 Jan 1988
End date:17 Jan 2025

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Hypocritical NGOs Twist Oct. 7 Anniversary to Blame the Victims

October 7, 2024 marked the one-year anniversary of the worst attack against the Jewish people since the Holocaust. However, in sharp contrast, NGOs inverted the atrocities committed against Israelis, and continuing the demonization campaign that falsely portrays Israel’s military response to the attacks as “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” and “extermination.”


Analysis of NIF grants in 2019

NGO Monitor has analyzed New Israel Fund (NIF) 2019 financial reports, which detail grants to 273 Israeli non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and 60 American NGOs. We focus specifically on the approximately 10% of NIF’s funding that is distributed to 32 political advocacy NGOs claiming to promote human rights in the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict.


Tracking Anti-Israel NGO Exploitation of the BLM Campaign

Since the founding of Black Lives Matter in 2013, a number of political NGOs have sought to connect this cause with anti-Israel campaigns. Several prominent pro-BDS organizations, as well as Palestinian NGOs, are leading this effort. These NGOs are attempting to leverage tensions in order to promote Palestinian solidarity and portray Israel as a main violator of civil rights.

NGOs Silent in Face of Palestinian Rockets

On May 4 and May 5, 2019, Palestinian terror groups in Gaza fired over 600 rockets and mortars toward Israeli population centers, murdering four Israeli civilians. NGOs and NGO officials that claim to promote human rights have ignored the blatant Palestinian violations against Israeli civilians. Some have remained silent altogether, while others have focused exclusively on demonizing Israel for responding to the attacks.


NGO Campaigns for Ahed Tamimi, and Against the Rights of Children

A number of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have been participating in a campaign celebrating and defending Tamimi. Despite the video evidence, they insist that Israel has no grounds for trying and imprisoning her. Although these NGOs claim to promote human rights and the rule of law generally, and protect the rights of children specifically, in Ahed Tamimi’s case they ignore the exploitation and recruitment of children as “soldiers” in a propaganda war against Israel.


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