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Publications:Reports, Books, Academic Publications, Submissions, Resource Pages
Other Content Types:Press Releases, In The Media, Presentations, Posts, , Key Issues
NGOs:Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR)
Start date:1 Jan 1988
End date:13 Dec 2024

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Showing 1-10 of 23

Gaza Lawfare: Anti-Israel NGOs Abuse Courts in Pursuit of “Genocide” Charges

In the aftermath of the barbaric Hamas massacre of October 7, rather than use law and international justice frameworks to support the victims of the atrocities, supposed human rights NGOs have sought to use lawfare to spread anti-Israel propaganda and to target allied support for Israel in an effort to harm the IDF’s ability to defeat Hamas.


"Resistance," "Apartheid," and Downplaying Terror: Immediate NGO Responses to the Hamas Pogrom

On October 7, 2023 (which was the Sabbath and a Jewish holiday), hundreds of Palestinian terrorists poured across the border from Gaza into Israel, slaughtering hundreds of Jews, and torturing, maiming, and kidnapping others. In parallel, thousands of rockets were fired at Israeli population centers, sending millions rushing to shelters.


Tracking Anti-Israel NGO Exploitation of the BLM Campaign

Since the founding of Black Lives Matter in 2013, a number of political NGOs have sought to connect this cause with anti-Israel campaigns. Several prominent pro-BDS organizations, as well as Palestinian NGOs, are leading this effort. These NGOs are attempting to leverage tensions in order to promote Palestinian solidarity and portray Israel as a main violator of civil rights.

NGO Amicus Briefs on ICC Jurisdiction: The Latest Lawfare Battlefield

NGO submissions to the International Criminal Court (ICC) involve highly flawed or invented legal arguments; deviation from the requirement limiting discussion to that of jurisdiction; revision and erasure of the historical record, including Palestinian terrorism; promotion of biased source material


The Center for Constitutional Rights’ Vilification of Social Justice

From April 29 – May 6, 2018, the Center for Constitutional Rights led a trip to Israel and the West Bank labeled as the “Justice Delegation.” This trip, made up of self-proclaimed social justice advocates, claimed to provide a “better understand[ing of] the human rights situation in Israel and Palestine.” In sharp contrast, participants met exclusively Palestinian and Israeli organizations that promote a one-sided Palestinian narrative of the conflict.


Showing 1-10 of 23