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Publications:Reports, Books, Academic Publications, Submissions, Resource Pages
Other Content Types:Press Releases, In The Media, Presentations, Posts, , Key Issues
Start date:1 Jan 1988
End date:12 Dec 2024

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Showing 1-10 of 103

UN OCHA-oPt: Exploiting Humanitarianism to Advance Political Warfare

The Israel, West Bank, and Gaza branch of the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA-oPt) executes the UN’s regional humanitarian response plan, facilitating and providing donations to dozens of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). As opposed to other OCHA branches around the world, OCHA-oPt prioritizes one-sided political advocacy in place of traditional humanitarian assistance.


Germany’s Development Cooperation System: The Need for Greater Transparency and Accountability

Germany is one of the largest donors of international development aid in the world, allocating $24.7 billion to bilateral assistance in 2017 alone. However, due to an extreme lack of transparency, overlapping responsibilities for multi-ple government agencies, and the involvement of dozens of different actors, it is difficult to assess the effectiveness of this aid, raising concerns about po-tential abuse of public funds and inefficient management.


Showing 1-10 of 103