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NGOs:Al-Shabaka-The Palestinian Policy Network
Other Content Types:Press Releases, In The Media, Presentations, Posts, , Key Issues
Publications:Reports, Books, Academic Publications, Submissions, Resource Pages
Start date:1 Jan 1988
End date:Jul 2024

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"Resistance," "Apartheid," and Downplaying Terror: Immediate NGO Responses to the Hamas Pogrom

On October 7, 2023 (which was the Sabbath and a Jewish holiday), hundreds of Palestinian terrorists poured across the border from Gaza into Israel, slaughtering hundreds of Jews, and torturing, maiming, and kidnapping others. In parallel, thousands of rockets were fired at Israeli population centers, sending millions rushing to shelters.



NGO Condemnations of German Efforts to Combat Antisemitism

On May 17, 2019, the German Bundestag passed a landmark resolution affirming BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) campaigns against Israel as antisemitic. Despite this multi-partisan support, a number of politicized non-governmental organizations (NGOs) – in particular those that benefit from German government funding and from other European countries –condemned the motion.


Showing 1-9 of 9