Academic Publications

Publications > Academic Publications

Showing 11-20 of 92

Variations in Reporting on Children and Armed Conflict

UNICEF extensively relies on local NGOs as implementing partners to monitor and report on the situation of children in armed conflict. However, this reliance may not be in the best interest of children and can result in one-sided political advocacy.


Lex Generalis Derogat Legi Speciali: IHL in Human Rights Regulation of Military Courts Operating in Situations of Armed Conflict

The operation of military courts is clearly allowed for and, in some cases, mandated by international humanitarian law (IHL). Nevertheless, the use of military courts has been one of the most controversial and hotly debated areas of human rights. Despite the ostensibly exclusive military domain, many human rights bodies have registered significant scepticism towards this type of justice.

Showing 11-20 of 92