Guidelines on International Human Rights Fact-Finding Visits and Reports ("Lund-London Guidelines")

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Guidelines on International Human Rights Fact-Finding Visits and Reports (The Lund-London Guidelines).” Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (2009).


“These guidelines have been developed by the International Bar Association and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute following wide consultation and extensive analysis of human rights fact-finding reports in order to contribute to good practice in the conduct of fact-finding visits and in the compilation of reports. Fact finding and report writing are essential to human rights monitoring. Although primarily intended for the use of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), the present guidelines can provide direction to all those engaged in this exercise with a view to improving accuracy, objectivity, transparency and
credibility in human rights fact finding. The independence and integrity of NGOs must be respected, but fact-finding missions must nevertheless be, and be seen to be, conducted in a bona fide manner. Reports must be clearly objective and properly sourced, and the conclusions in them reached in a transparent manner.”

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