Alan Baker
Prior to his term of duty as Israel’s ambassador to Canada between 2004-2008, Alan Baker held the post of Legal Adviser and Deputy Director-General of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 1996. In this and previous capacities in Israel Government service, he has been actively involved in the Middle-East peace negotiations with all Israel’s neighbors. He participated in the negotiation and drafting of the Peace Treaties and other agreements with Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and the Palestinians.
Throughout his professional career, Ambassador Baker has represented Israel in international conferences and negotiations in various fields of international law. He served as Israel’s representative to the Legal Committee of the United Nations General Assembly, to the preparatory committees and conferences involved in the establishment of the International Criminal Court and to numerous bodies involved in all fields of international law. He has written several articles on such matters.
Between 1985-1989 he was seconded by the Government of Israel to the United Nations in New York where he served as a senior legal adviser to the UN.
Ambassador Baker studied law at University College London, United Kingdom, and has a Masters Degree in International Law from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is married and has three sons. He is also a musician. Alan Baker retired from government service in February 2009 and is presently an attorney in the Tel Aviv law firm of Moshe, Bloomfield, Kobo, Baker & Co.