A different KAIROS
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Re: Shaming us all, Dec. 27.
Columnist Janice Kennedy wrote that the "Canadian International Development Agency … cut off funding (to the tune of $7 million) to KAIROS, the ecumenical Christian organization that works for peace, development and social justice in hard places around the world." In contrast to that rather benign description, KAIROS published a "strategy paper" on Jan. 7, 2008 that endorsed the virulent anti-Israel divestment campaign. Similarly, KAIROS’ "Resources for education and action" webpage reprints material from radical Palestinian NGO Sabeel, a "KAIROS partner," including its statement describing Zionism as an "ideology of empire, colonialism, and militarism." In other areas, Kairos may act as an ecumenical Christian organization that works for peace, development, and social justice, but regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict, the facts prove otherwise.